Join today!
Email us at if you have any questions
Annual Membership
Individual: $30
Family, group or business: $40
Student (18 years or under): $10
Three year Membership
Individual: $70
Family, group or business: $90
Student (18 years or under): $20
Join BRAG in three easy steps!
1. Sign up here to get on our mailing list. You'll receive a confirmation email. If you already subscribe to the newsletter, go to step 2.
2. Pay your membership by direct deposit to Braidwood Regional Arts Group (in person at Braidwood Bank, or use online banking).
BSB: 633-000. Account number: 118 343 367.
Please mark your deposit [Your surname] Membership, so we know who you are.
3. Send us an email to let us know you've paid, and to confirm your name and address. We'll get back to you as soon as we can to confirm your membership.