BRAG: Supporting artists and the Arts in Braidwood
At Braidwood Regional Arts Group, we provide a safe, communal space for all kinds of artists and craftspeople - emerging to professional - to come together.
We offer the opportunity to exhibit in several visual arts group shows each year, as well as art groups to join in and music and poetry events to attend! Everyone is welcome at our events.
Use the tabs at the top right to find out about becoming a member, read about our two published books, get information on our life drawing group, venue hire and more.
Click here to sign up to our monthly newsletter!
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook.
Image (c) Matthew Hamilton
Writing with a Writer
Thursdays 6 - 8pm in February and March
Penny Hanley is running another eight-class workshop to help you kickstart your literary creativity this February and March!
$200 for BRAG members, $240 for non-members
Call 0410 506 451 to register your interest.

Regular classes at the Arts Centre
A number of classes and groups meet every week at the Arts Centre - these classes are run by individuals, not by BRAG. For more information, see the listings below and contact the instructor to book a spot or make a query.
Snuggle and Sing with Teresa Pengelly
Mondays 9.30am during school terms
Email pengellyte@gmail.com
Pilates with Kate Morris
Wednesdays 6:30pm -7:30pm
Email veraactivebraidwood@gmail.com
Songlarks with Nadia McLeish
Fridays 9.15am and 10.15am
Phone 0401 085 348
Yoga/Pilates with Christina Carrol
Multiple sessions Tuesdays, Thursdays
Mostly focused on core strength and gentle exercise
Phone 0414 385 051
Yoga with Christina Carrol
Mondays 4pm, Saturdays 8am
Phone 0414 385 051
Aikido with Mat Hulse
Wednesdays 6pm
Phone 0438 648 468
Image (c) Mary Lou Nugent

About Us
BRAG is a community organisation for artists, craftspeople, writers, performers, teachers, art enthusiasts and supporters within Braidwood and the area. BRAG was established in 2002. The Arts Centre at 45 Wallace Street was purchased with the help of the broader community and the Federal Government. It was officially opened in 2012.
The BRAG Arts Centre provides a space to gather, learn, exhibit and enjoy.
The Centre is used by the members for BRAG exhibitions and events, and is also available to hire for any purpose -
a pop-up expo, a party,
a one-off performance or a weekly class.
BRAG is a not-for-profit community organisation. All donations go towards improving our facilities and services.
Your donations to our Public Fund are tax-deductible.​
The 2024-25 Committee:
M. Nugent (Vice President), M. Glover (Treasurer), R. McCann (Secretary), R. Hamilton, N. McLeish, A. Ford, A. Stuart, A. Moynihan, K. McCann, L. Acheson, L. Moriarty, J.Foulcher
(Image (c) Alison Alder)